Other publications

This list shows a selection of work written by Arie de Geus, various press interviews and other articles of interest.

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  • Planning as Learning

    A P de Geus, Planning as Learning - Harvard Business Review , March/April 1988
    Some years ago, the planning group at Shell surveyed 30 companies that had been in business for more than 75 years. What impressed us most was their ability to live in harmony with the business environment, to switch from a survival mode when times were turbulent to a self-development mode when the pace of change was slow. And this pattern rang a familiar bell because Shell's history is similarly replete with swiches from expansion to self-preservation and back again to growth ...
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  • The Future is Multiple

    A P de Geus, The Future is Multiple , 1996

    Language creates reality. The language that we use when we speak to one another in our companies creates the reality that we face inside those companies. If we talk about the company as an asset-based, profit-producing machine, we create a different reality than when we see a company as a living thing, a community of people. Talking about companies in the language of a human community may make us see the corporate reality in a way that can help solve problems resulting from our previous views.


  • Iedere Avond Loopt het Kapitaal de Deur Uit

    Hendrik van Oostrum & Rob Huisman, Iedere Avond Loopt het Kapitaal de Deur Uit - Financieele Dagblad , 28-Sep-01

    De link tussen een carrière van veertig jaar bij Shell en het gedachtegoed van Karl Marx is niet snel gelegd. Behalve door Arie de Geus. 'Winst is niet het doel van ondernemen, maar het resultaat ervan.' Hij is gefascineerd door Het communistisch manifest van de hand van Marx. In Wenen sprak hij twee jaar geleden een zaal vol personeelsmanagers toe. Nahem betrad Charles Handy het podium. Handy, net als de Nederlander een veel gevraagd spreker op congressen, vatte De Geus' betoog kort en bondig samen: 'Jullie leven in de wereld van Karl Marx.'

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  • Beating uncertainty in business

    A P de Geus, Beating Uncertainty in Business - Mondial

    Over the last 20 years uncertainty in and around the world of business has increased. Companies are no longer sure how to react to the changes taking place. This uncertainty raises vital questions. What should your managerial priorities be? And, first of all, what are the underlying causes?


  • The Living Company

    A P de Geus, The Living Company: A Recipe for Success in the New Economy - The Washington Quarterly , March/April 1997

    In the world of institutions, commercial corporations are newcomers. They have been around for only 500 years - a mere blip in the course of human civilization. In that time, as producers of material wealth, they have enjoyed immense success. They have sustained the world's exploding population with the goods and services that make civlized life possible ...

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